Is a Support Ticket System Right For You?Maintaining and growing a loyal customer base is essential to any business.  With so many competitors that are so easy to find, customer loyalty and retention is especially important for ecommerce sites.  Aside from providing an awesome shopping experience, one of the best ways to build customer loyalty is to provide customer service that is truly above and beyond the standard.

But, that’s a high bar to reach when you have multiple projects running, more on the way, and an inbox that’s quickly filling up.  Sometimes e-mails get lost in the shuffle; if it results in a customer’s request or problem getting lost too, your reliability takes a big hit for that person.  Sure, if they’ve been a loyal customer for years and it’s your first offense, you might get some slack, but if you’re cultivating a relationship or that customer has a lot of other things happening – your oversight could indicate the end of your relationship with them.

You can avoid these messy situations altogether by implementing a support ticket system for customer questions and support.  With a ticketing system:

    • Customers can submit requests anytime, anywhere – it makes support available to them 24/7!
    • You can organize & prioritize requests for quicker response time
    • You’ll never lose a customer request to a chaotic inbox again
    • Teams & team members can collaborate effectively & easily with internal & external communication
    • Pertinent information is easy to find because it’s all included in the ticket
    • Customize the system to serve the needs of your business & your customers
    • Gain productivity insights by tracking time on each ticket
    • Survey customers after interactions to ensure your service is up to par
    • Encourage participation by making it a game
    • Track results and gain valuable insights with reports

We’re big fans of Freshdesk.  Since implementation, we have seen huge improvements in efficiency and productivity.  Our customers love it and so do we!  When a client wants to submit a ticket, they simply go to, login, and submit a new ticket.  Naming, setting a priority level, and adding a description is all they need to do to get us the information we need.  We review it and assign it to the appropriate person/people for completion. Over the past 90 days, we have:

    • Achieved 95% customer satisfaction
    • Resolved 373 tickets
    • Tracked 1,558 hours
    • Added new functionalities, like the ability to create groups and grant levels of access

Granted, it’s always nice to have someone there to answer the phone because, let’s face it, sometimes customers just want to speak to a real person.  That’s okay - just learn more about what’s going on and set up a ticket with them on the phone!  They’ll know you have their back and can have peace of mind, knowing their request is being taken seriously and won’t be forgotten.  With a support ticketing system in place, you and your customers can rest easy on a job a well done.