Social Cart Recovery

Despite major advancements in technology and eCommerce user experience design, the average cart abandonment rate has remained over 70%.

The biggest hurdle is that of the 70+% of abandoned carts, you’re likely to have the email addresses of fewer than 20-30% of those potential customers. With some quick math you can imagine the impact on your bottom line.

By leveraging advanced tracking to identify visitors that have abandoned their cart on your site, we can deliver ads for your brand in a timely manner where they spend their time: social feeds.



Social Media Content Marketing

We can support your social media marketing efforts, or do the heavy lifting for you

We begin by learning about your current audience and target audience, their interests, your competitors, and your current strategies. We will then develop a content calendar that includes copy, accompanying images and videos, and specific posting times to help you reach more of your customers. The calendar can include upcoming sales, highlighted products, special coupons, giveaways, new products, email signups, and more. We can even schedule the posts for you across all your channels. Let us help you take advantage of social to increase your followers and boost social conversions.



Target-Based Social Media Advertising

Using insight and strategy to find new customers that convert

Utilizing our Customer Personas or ones you’ve already created, we use behavior and demographic data to create audiences and ads that target new and returning customers. Social media ads can be used to acquire new customers, promote products or services, build email marketing lists, or even recruit talented employees.


Native Ad Design & Development

Our team of writers and designers will create custom graphics, videos, and persuasive copy to build unique ads for you; ads that deliver clearly-defined calls to action that will convert into traffic and sales.


Insight & Strategy

We take the time to understand your company, your audience, and your future goals to help position you for growth and success. We can assist in determining measurable KPIs, conducting A/B split tests, and charting a course for the future.


Target Audience Creation

Well beyond the simple “post boost” you see on your Facebook timeline posts, we will use behavioral and demographic data to identify the perfect audiences for your brand and products. Once identified, we can segment the data further and begin running personalized ads discretely “in the dark” that don’t display on your timeline, but are still served on Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network.


Custom & Look-a-like Audiences

If you have a growing database of customers or email subscribers, we can use that customer data to create a custom audience for Facebook, Instagram, and the Audience Network. We can also target completely new potential customers by creating a “look-a-like” audience of users who share similar traits with your existing customers, and are likely to be interested in your products.


Location-based Geotargeting

Using the ParadoxLabs Advanced Social Targeting Engine, we can create ad campaigns that run on a set schedule and duration, and in specific locations where your customers congregate, such as a trade show or event.



Want to learn more about ParadoxLabs’ marketing solutions?