Half Time Beverage Hyvä Implementation



Half Time Beverage carries over 4,000 craft beer and cider selections from over 800 breweries located in over 50 countries.




In the ever-competitive landscape of e-commerce, Half Time Beverage, a prominent player in the craft beer space, faced specific challenges that necessitated a comprehensive update to its online platform. The primary pain points were evident in the form of slow loading times and a lack of inclusivity for persons with disabilities. This case study demonstrates how the successful development process and resources used by Half Time Beverage and ParadoxLabs addressed and resolved these challenges.



“Working with ParadoxLabs to re-theme our Magento site using Hyvä was one of the best decisions we’ve made for our business. It’s not just about a new look – it’s about elevating the entire customer journey. Our site is faster, more accessible, and better equipped to meet the needs of our customers. Thank you, ParadoxLabs (and Hyvä), for helping us take our e-commerce experience to the next level!”

Chris Weiss
Director, Marketing/Ecommerce - Half Time Beverage


Challenges Identified

1. Slow Site Speed and Loading Times

Half Time Beverage recognized that the sluggish loading speeds of their e-commerce website were adversely impacting user experience. In an era where customers demand instant access to products and seamless navigation, addressing this issue became paramount to remaining competitive.

2. Inclusivity Concerns

With a commitment to serving a diverse customer base, Half Time Beverage acknowledged the importance of making its platform accessible to all, including persons with disabilities. The existing website posed challenges related to navigation, readability, and interaction, hindering the experience for users with varying abilities.


Strategic Solutions

1. Performance Optimization

The ParadoxLabs team conducted a thorough analysis of the website’s infrastructure, identifying and addressing bottlenecks that contributed to slow loading times. This involved updating and designing the site leveraging the Hyvä theme, utilizing content delivery networks (CDNs), and implementing caching mechanisms to significantly improve page load speeds.


2. Accessibility Features

A comprehensive accessibility audit was conducted to identify areas requiring improvement. The platform was then updated to adhere to WCAG 2.1 standards, incorporating features such as alternative text for images, keyboard navigation, and improved color contrast to ensure a more inclusive experience for users with disabilities.


WCAG 2.1 Accessibility


Positive Outcomes

1. Dramatic Speed Improvement

The optimized website, which leverages the Hyva theme for Magento 2, resulted in a substantial reduction in loading times, leading to an enhanced overall user experience. Customers could now browse and make purchases more efficiently, contributing to increased engagement and satisfaction.


Speed Index Improvement

 2. Inclusive Design

The incorporation of accessibility features not only improved the experience for persons with disabilities but also showcased Half Time Beverage’s commitment to inclusivity. This resonated positively with customers, fostering a more diverse and loyal user base.


Lighthouse Accessibility Score


Impact on Metrics

Half Time Beverage’s website update resulted in tangible improvements in key performance indicators, including increased time-on-site and engaged sessions, and improved customer satisfaction. Half Time Beverage continues to be a frontrunner in the craft beer space, setting new standards for speed and inclusivity.


Engaged Sessions Time-on-site


These successful outcomes testify to the strategic significance of prioritizing website speed and accessibility in a competitive digital landscape.


If you’d like to know how ParadoxLabs can help you reach new heights with your e-commerce store, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you!