N3 Oceanic Launch

N3 Oceanic, Inc. is a leader in the supplement industry.  They’re a family business, manufacturing and selling the Res-Q brand of natural health supplements for over 30 years. 

It all started with their Res-Q  1250 Omega-3 Ultra-Purified Fish Oil Capsules.  Now, they’ve sold over 2 million bottles (more than 400 million capsules of it) and have expanded their catalog to include a variety of supplements covering a wide range of health concerns.

They’ve come a long way from their previous websites.  They started out simply, with an order form website and products spread across three domains.  With more and more customers moving online and to mobile, they knew they would need a website that would keep them current and up-to-date with their customer base.  What better way to serve their audience than with a site designed with user experience in mind? 

For over 30 years, they’ve promoted heart health and overall physical wellness; they needed a website to handle their growth and help them continue to promote their values.  We combined their three domains, overhauled design, and added custom functionality, backing all of it with the flexibility and performance of Magento Enterprise - they were ready to go.

We’re excited to be part of helping N3 Oceanic build a better business and are proud to announce the launch of their new site, myresqproducts.com!  To learn more about the partnership between ParadoxLabs and N3 Oceanic, Inc., please visit Our Work and check out their case study.  And, don’t forget to visit their new site to take a look around!