Ecommerce SEO differs from normal SEO in several ways; most notably the desired result of a visit. There are three types of searches, Informational, Transactional and Navigational. A Penn State search study has determined that searches across these are split at 80% Informational, 10% Transactional and 10% Navigational.

Types of Searches

Transactional Searches

Transactional searches imply intent to purchase. Sometimes, this will take the shape of keywords such as "Samsung S4" or even "Buy Samsung S4". The "Buy" isn't required to be considered a transactional search, although it definately implies intent to purchase.

Informational Searches

An informational search is just what the name implies; a search for information. Searching for "Cell Phone" indicates the searcher is looking for information about cell phones. Not necessarily to purchase one, the searcher is likely gathering information. For a site, this is an opportunity to be the authority or trusted source for information related to cell phones.

Navigational Searches

A Navigational Search is to find a site. Hopefully we all rank for our own company name. A searcher enters a company name or domain name such as facebook or IBM. This is the least important search type for ecommerce.

Ecommerce SEO to increase sales

Combining Transactional and Informational searches can be an incredibly powerful strategy. Each type will bring customers at different stages in the purchasing process.

Informational searches can be beneficial for ecommerce sites. If the site is considered an authority, expert or trusted source that also sells product it should do well when a consumer is ready to purchase. But keep in mind, the consumer isn't a consumer when they visit a site via an informational search. They are gathering information for a future purchasing decision.

Transactional search queries will bring real consumers, a visitor who is ready to purchase. Now, imagine that a consumer has arrived at your site for the second, third or fourth time. The first visit because they wanted to learn about "cell phones"; then because they are trying to purchase a "Samsung S4". Do you think they will trust the site more? See the site as an authority? Familiarity with the site will result in higher conversions.

What's the Secret

So, what is the secret to Ecommerce SEO. Do you really think I’m going to tell? Well, you're right. I will! Well, at least some of it. We know the types of searches. We know which one's matter for ecommerce.

The next post will go over Ecommerce SEO strategies that will increase rankings and conversions.