Support Policy

We pride ourselves on excellent support. All non-free extension purchases include one year of complimentary extension support, plus free bug fixes and updates for the lifetime of the extension. If you find that it doesn't work as we intended in a standard installation, we'll help you fix that.

Buying a license of any ParadoxLabs Magento extension grants you:

  • The right to use it on one installation of Magento, plus any associated development sites. See our software license terms You can have any number of websites running from it, as long as they're all the same Magento installation. If you have multiple sites each with a separate copy of Magento, you'll need a license for each one.
  • Free updates for the lifetime of the extension. As long as we're maintaining and releasing updates for the extension, you'll be able to download them.
  • One year of complimentary support for your extension purchase (if extension was a paid purchase).

If you have an issue using the extension, get in touch with us. If it's within a year of buying/renewing support, we'll help you out. If it's been more than a year, you may need to renew your Extension Support before we can help. Renewing will give you one additional year of support services for your purchase. You will be able to download and use the latest version even if you do not have active support.

Purchasing extension support, or an extension with support included, entitles you for up to 3 hours or 1 year of extension support services (whichever comes first), within the constraints of our extension support policy. If you require more than 3 hours of support services for issues that we determine to not be bugs in our extension with a supported version of stock Magento, we will notify you and then invoice further support at $180/hr, at bimonthly intervals.

If you're having trouble accessing your account or have an other basic question, get in touch with us

If you are using a $0 extension, or your purchase or support renewal was more than a year ago, you can continue to download updates for free, but you'll need to pay for additional support.

Before you contact us, please confirm you are running the most recent extension version, and upgrade if not.

  • If you purchased from our store, you can download the latest version from your account.
  • If you purchased from Magento Marketplace, you can download and install the latest version using Composer. Please see the extension User Manual for directions.

You can find the User Manual, current version number, and release notes for your extension on our store.

If you're running the most recent version and you still need help, please renew your Extension Support and then open a support ticket

We guarantee our extensions will work as described in the user manual for a clean Magento installation of any version we indicate is compatible. If something isn't working the way it's supposed to and we can see the same thing happen on a clean copy of Magento, we'll help you sort it out.

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee compatibility with all possible circumstances (environments, configurations, third-party extensions, integrations, and customizations). We will help sort out extension conflicts when possible, but if we determine that a problem is caused by code that is not our own, we won't be able to help you fix that as part of our standard support.

If you need help with an issue that is not covered by our standard extension support, we can provide technical consultation or development on a paid basis.

Please always provide us the following info with your support request:

  • Order number
  • Site URL
  • Extension name and version
  • Magento version
  • Extension log file
  • Magento 1: var/log/authnetcim.log
  • Magento 2: var/log/tokenbase.log
  • A detailed explanation of your problem and how to reproduce it, including screenshots or a video screen capture if possible.

Please do not give us logins or API credentials unless we ask for them, and never send them in plain text. We will not ask for access to your site unless we determine it is necessary to fully understand or resolve your issue quickly.

Any confidential information should be sent via for security.